Star Light 

Everything Is Messed Up !

Ive been using dota 2 mods 2 years now and it was working fine but now since v2/3/4 everything is messed up , arcanas don't work like ogre , cm .. can't find an approved invoker persona and win persona .. 70% of announcer and mega kill packs won't work anymore , creep skins won't work anymore , can't find those tower and map skins from ti 2019 battlepass ( where are they they used to be working last year plz bring them back ) , dawnbreaker icon haven't even been added to the rest of the hroes ( even if she don't have skins yet ) maybe am asking too much at one time but i love these mods so much plz if you can spare the time plz make a general check on them , thank you so much guys with much love and respect ^_^ .