Nigma HM 

All the bugs, suggestions...etc in Dota2Mods right now

Hey everyone, I collected all the bugs I can see and put them here, so when mods/admins see this it will be easier for them. I might have missed some bugs so just comment them if you want. Suggestions can also be commented. I am not a mod or anything I just want to support dotamods and make it easier for them so they can fix these bugs

Specific Bugs :
Tempest Helm of the Thundergod = Doesn't save build
Kid Invo = visual in game bug
Pudge arcana = Bugging
Crystal Maiden arcana not walking
Jugg arcana bugs : (Origins Style not working on body, also jugg not walking)
Rubick Arcana : (Parts float in the air, stuck at saving build)
Wraith King Arcana stuck on building process
Axe Hand Immortal : The walk animation is weird when he is played on normal games
Blade of Tears Morphling has no attack animation
Lone druid iron claw skin, rage of the dark wood bug (invisible)
Windranger arcana bug : hair is stretched...etc
Terrorblade arcana : Colors not changing, and before the immortals doesnt change color when picked a different color. ex. Rubiline does not make the weapon and wings of tb rubiline.
Tiny's Collectors cache set : it just doesnt work, only effects are shown in normal game.
DP Fluttering Mortis stuck at building scripts
Tide Hunter's Horror from the Deep Black (back model glitches in game)
Doom's Wing are stretched, also skywrath's
Ogre arcana : model and particles are bugged.

General Bugs :
For some people, when build and play is clicked, nothing happens.
cant use taunts on heroes with mods (duh)
announcers are bugged

Suggestions :
- AM Persona
• 0 Points 
• 02 Dec 2020 @07:41
all skins without paarticles and effex
• 0 Points 
• 30 Sep 2020 @16:58
Oggre magi crash please fix.
• 0 Points 
• 20 Sep 2020 @06:09
How verify it>? can u teach me?
• 0 Points 
• 19 Sep 2020 @20:06
Also " Toy Butcher " ( pudge Custom in belt category ) : chain hanged his left hand
Windranger Arcana : the hair
• 0 Points 
• 19 Sep 2020 @18:47
Guys, about the Queen of Pain arcana bug, I know a solution: You must verify the game files and it goes back to normal. The same happens with the Ogre magi one

Qhen you receive a lot of skills in the same time, it may corrupt some game files, so verify it will fix the issue
• 0 Points 
• 19 Sep 2020 @11:55
actually there is much bugs in god knows i lost count
• 0 Points 
• 19 Sep 2020 @11:37
also queen of pain arcana has issues and bugs
• 0 Points 
• 19 Sep 2020 @11:36
mate ur report has little problem ! yes pudge arcana has issue ! but new cxastum build is fixed ! and is good but after some death ur face dissapears ! i mean face of aracana not pudge ! and windranger part is not arcana at all its castum ! if u see it didnt released by that name and windranger arcana is full items not just hair ! also her hair castum has bug itself other than stuck in earth ! in dota shows its blue in game turned red !